Monday, July 29, 2013

The Wolverine 2013

So how did he write it?!

#The Wolverine 2013 (IMDB)

This is just an opinion of a curious audience who generally doesn't support fad for movies with non-competitive scripts. This would definitely make it to the shelves of "so the script is not great so what?" kind of motion picture.

If I've to write the evolution of the movie's plot, it'd probably have a "top-down" approach. I'm gonna try and simulate the process the script writer's attempt to write this.

I want to write a script for the most successful "hero" of the X-Men league, how do I do it ?
Ans: Make him a hero.

I want it to be different, how do I make it?
Ans: Give it an Asian make up. So I'm not gonna make one out of China, Skyfall, had it already. Well, why not Japan.

Is there is anything that is new/not been used for quite sometime about Japan?
Ans:Yes ,Hiroshima and Nagasaki , nothing on it after Pearl Harbor.

So yes I'm gonna use this, so how do I shove this into the movie?
Ans: *Glow* Wolverine can recover under any circumstance, so he's gonna survive the effects of Fat Man.

Well, now is the time I add spice to soup, what do I do?
Ans: Create a character , to prove Wolverine's heroism. So hero will save an army personnel , who ideally has to kill himself when the city gets bombed. Now the audience , *Wow*.

So, I got this part, it's gonna be easy from now.

Wolverine, is still young and the Japenese army personal sends the Jap version of "Lisabeth Salander" to get him. Oh yes I definitely need to tell people that Wolverine joined PETA as an on site professional and protects Grizzlys now. So now hero is kind to animals but he is stopped by the Japenese Lisabeth Salander to set out to meet Mr.Yashida.

The army personnel ,Yashida , is too influential and has a stature of his own now, explicitly shown in the scenes ( like from the 70s) with banners showing Yashida Group in both English and Japanese.

So I now have to use the ideas from Indian movies. How do I?
Ans: Beautiful & responsible heir of the army personal, ye the heroine and her father who always wears a grim face so that he would become the villain in people's heads till the intermission.

So happens that the old man dies after he meets Wolverine. Now I really have to show the bullet train and also emphasize on its 300 mph. Yes, the hero will deliver this "Daily Facts". I think Wolverine would qualify to be the host of the Morning Show if a sequel would be made.

This stunt has to be good, as this will be only scene which will be mention worthy in the whole movie.

Well, I should have a female evil character. How do I frame her?
Ans: Easy, I should make her hot and also vicious. So I made a typo and vicious turned venomous and that made "Viper".

Viper, now needs importance, what do I do?
Ans: Viper, is the second suspected villain saved for the first chunk of the part after intermission.

There has to be hero - heroine romance.
Ans:Yes there is one, but there is nothing to see though. After the happy night, the heroine gets abducted. As the story would roll in many of the fairy tales I read when I was 5.

Then I'm gonna give a kick ass climax. How do I?
Ans: The most pleasant person beside the hero in the movie Mr. Yashida should surprise the audience as the villain, the audience would go "ooooooo..".

Then you know Japanese are good at making robots, now that I've shown the sky scrappers of Tokyo, Bullet Train, and miniature love rooms in sub-rubs of Japan , I'm only left with robots.

So Yashida had survived, though his funeral took place, with his undying earning for Wolverine like powers. Now Yashida will be the robot. This looks like the 90s comics, where robots fight against humans. The Yashida robot inside which surprisingly, the still alive Yashida rests and awaits Wolverine to take his powers and make him mortal. According to an abstract description of Viper. The robot has a system to just suck in Wolverine's power in 2-mins and Yashida would enjoy evergreen youth all his life. This is close to a 1950s dracula movie where a vampire bite makes a normal human being turn into a dracula in 2 minutes or less. But this is the opposite of it, so it will be different.

So this fight takes place on a fort , no I won't mention it to be on Mt.Fuji, I know it is a volcano. But' I'm gonna make 700 black ninjas guard the tower.

Now this is gonna be fun, Lisabeth Salander takes on Viper, kitty fight!!. Grand daughter realizes the evil motive of her grand dad and doesn't hesitate to throw a few knives at him. She did tell Wolverine she was some martial art wizard with knives. I'm gonna show this as the finishing move of evil Yashida robot.

Wolverine dissembles Yashida Robot ( unfinished Iron Man look alike) like a  machine mechanic on "snow".

Yashida is ripped apart and dropped off the cliff. So now the movie is good to end and I've to move Ms. Salander to the sequel , so she will be the funny bodyguard of Wolverine.

I know that is the best, I also know it'll sell. It'll!!!

So how about the legendary X-men cameo!. Shit, why did I think of this after finishing the script , now I can't sneak them in the actual movie. Oh well I can always add them after the cast screening. So there is Magneto , the crowd would go "ye I know this guy from the old X-men movies", then the surprise walks in. It's Professor X, well he should deliver a striking dialog now . Erm , he'd surprise Wolverine saying "As I've always told you, don't forget we've powers too". Whoa that's a perfect end, me happy and the audience happy.

Well that is an imaginative tour of  "behind the script."